For women’s soccer, points for division standings are as follows: Win - three (3) points; Tie - one (1) point; Loss - zero (0) points.
Tie Breaking Procedures
The following tie breaking criteria are used in prioritized order to determine League and Divisional standings:
1. Previous match results between the tied teams.
2. Goal difference in head-to-head competition between the tied teams.
3. Goal difference between the tied teams using all league and divisional games against common opponents the same number of times.
4. Total goals scored by the tied teams using all league and divisional games against common opponents the same number of times.
5. Coin toss by the Convenor.
2024 CW Women’s Soccer Post-Season Format
- Top 4 teams from each division qualify
- Top 2 teams in each division host a single elimination quarter final in Week 1
Week 1: Quarter-Final (single game elimination)
A: Pacific 4 @ Prairie 1
B: Prairie 4 @ Pacific 1
C: Pacific 3 @ Prairie 2
D: Prairie 3 @Pacific 2
Week 2 – Final 4
To be hosted by highest remaining seed in the Prairie Division during even years and hosted by the highest remaining seed in the Pacific Division during odd years.
If no designated Division team wins in Week 1, then the host is the highest remaining seed from the other Division.
Day 1: Semifinals
E: Winner of A vs Winner of D
F: Winner of B vs Winner of C
Day 2: CW Final
G: Bronze Medal Game
H: Gold Medal Game